Sunday 25 January 2009


Be warned. I will bitch.

WWWWWWWTTTTTTTTFFFFF???? Ok, in case you didnt know (and lets be honest Ive complained to EVERYONE so that the chances of you not knowing are slim) I had my hair cut on Wednesday. I havent blogged for so long because I've been too busy being in self pity. I wish that people would listen nowerdays. Is it really that hard to just thin hair a cut out slightly, take a little bit of the length and cut the fringe? Where in asking for that did I give permission for a complete design overhall?? I'm all for creative expression, but I object for it to be on my head.

Oh and I really don't appreciate compliments about my hair. Complimenting my hair will show how you disagree with me, which isnt very good. Also, don't insult my hair because it'll bruise my ego. The best thing to do is to say nothing. Talk about Dancing on Ice instead.

Speaking of which are you watching it now? As I speak it is the results show. I predict that it'll be between Michael Underwood and the one whose an undercover reporter (not so undercover now is he? HA!). Is it just me or is Jason much much harsher this year. I love how he comments on peoples skating ability when he choreographs people on land.

And Breathe

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, I havn't been watching Dancing on Ice cause I have had too much work to do, and it sucks donkey penises cause I love ice-skating.
    They are selling ice skates in lidl atm, go buy some (:
