Friday 24 April 2009


It's been a long time, I know, I know. But in retrospect I have been busy. But under threat of death by Hazel I am updating.

So I'm living in London know in Ealing. Though I do like it it is full of complete and utter weirdos. And I know what your thinking (but caz you are a weirdo) in which case I'll chop you for thinking that (maybe there is something to the whole weirdo thing). Anyway, just today someone asked me if I knew of any 'lonely gays that are free tonight'. This occured in a Subway (shop not american tube) at 5.30. I rest my case. And don't get me started on the bicycle and dianasaur men (I'm sure the'll be a recurring theme)

So if you've been bothering to follow my blogs you know that I'm here to do my nurses training. OMG! It's a shame that nurses arent stereotypically dumb, it would make life so much easier. I feel like i've been here for a few month, it just occured to me today I've been here for 8 weeks. I have never had to learn so much info in such a short space of time. And I'm not mentioning any names but some dont half put you to sleep. In some lessons I come out actually thinking that I knew less that when I went in. Oh dear.

If you've been paying attention (all 3 of my followers) then you'll notice that I have a complete lack of money, so I can't afford internet much. And 15 quid for 5 days is pretty redic, don't you think so BT? If only my bursary had come in (HINT HINT HINT HINT). I am having to be quite skillfull with money atm. Somehow I've managed to get a fortnights worth of food shopping for under a tenner. Yay.

So today we havent had uni (I think to give us time to do our essays) but I also went to the hospital. Now, before you send out millions of flowers and get well cards and sexual favours (though all 3 are quite nice) It was a blood test. Word to the wise, if you are sick DO NOT PUT YOUR SYMPTOMS INTO GOOGLE. It will destroy you. Though I do think drinking 2L of water a day is a bit much. Watch this space.

Well that's all for now. Before I go, check out Stephanie Gooch on youtube, especially the screw you song


Wednesday 28 January 2009

The gangsters name is pauline

I'm risking my game looseage to make Dani loose:P

So I've hardly been in work these last couple of days, I'm dreading pay day tomorrow. I can picture the boss counting out my pennies now :D. But I am working the night shift tomorrow so money shall be getting better. Although I shall be knackered. Money or Health...Money or Health.... Gah..... Money:P

I'm downloading photoshop HUZZAH!!!!

thats it (my life is pretty uninteresting)

Sunday 25 January 2009


Be warned. I will bitch.

WWWWWWWTTTTTTTTFFFFF???? Ok, in case you didnt know (and lets be honest Ive complained to EVERYONE so that the chances of you not knowing are slim) I had my hair cut on Wednesday. I havent blogged for so long because I've been too busy being in self pity. I wish that people would listen nowerdays. Is it really that hard to just thin hair a cut out slightly, take a little bit of the length and cut the fringe? Where in asking for that did I give permission for a complete design overhall?? I'm all for creative expression, but I object for it to be on my head.

Oh and I really don't appreciate compliments about my hair. Complimenting my hair will show how you disagree with me, which isnt very good. Also, don't insult my hair because it'll bruise my ego. The best thing to do is to say nothing. Talk about Dancing on Ice instead.

Speaking of which are you watching it now? As I speak it is the results show. I predict that it'll be between Michael Underwood and the one whose an undercover reporter (not so undercover now is he? HA!). Is it just me or is Jason much much harsher this year. I love how he comments on peoples skating ability when he choreographs people on land.

And Breathe

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Barack-ing all over the world

Hi everyone, 2 blogs in 2 days? Wow I'm on a roll.

So today as I'm sure everyone knows is the day that Obama became president. Well as there have been no raptures happening lately I suppose that the rumours that he was the AntiChrist was untrue. I must admit I did miss half of it. Figures, finally something happens that defines our generation and I'm doing yoga.

In case you missed it heres what I saw; Barack did a speach about how all Americans are caring and loving and that everything was gonna be OK. Well yay him. Then a woman read a poem about farmers and clouds. I didn't like it because a) it wasnt a limmerick and b) it didnt rhyme. So really it wasnt a poem was it? Just a collection of random words. Then some people sang the national anthem. Is it just me or were those people EXTREMELY white? I mean, this guy is meant to represent racial integration here. Oh well. I'm sure when he dishes out his marks of the beast I'm sure things like that will change quick sharp.

What else? Well I went to town and put my money in a bank (I know I must be going crazy). I saw my boss and she said that her boss fails at making rotas. Really? I hadnt noticed. The fact that I'm off four days this week..... Oh well *breath*. Then I saw a guy from Scruffryn. I think his name was Matt. He was telling me that I changed a lot, apparantly. Well I suppose you dont see these things yourself do you?

I must mention that for tea today I had Potato Stars. I KNOW!!!! They had little smiley faces and everything. I swear to God now I know how Super Mario feels. At least I didn't have mushrooms with it.

Off now to bash boxes with my head and jump on turtles. Byeeeeeeeeeee

Monday 19 January 2009

So, here we go then

So.... yeh..... blogs, eh? (blogets, Hazel will understand)

So hi, my names Leigh, 18 from Wales (at the moment). Im currently working as a carer in a care home which is fun. Im moving to London soon to go to South Bank Uni (woop woop). Apart from that not a lot of things happen in my life, which is probably why im the only 18 year old who has yet to blog (I am now though, CatHead 1 - World Epic Fail).

So I should probably start with why I chose the name CatHeadI was sat at home watching TV (probably Ellen or Oprah, I guarantee I will mention them in future blogs.) My dad came from behind me (yeah thats what she said) and called out 'MINNIE!!! GET DOWN'. For those who don't know, Minnie is our Cat. I admit, I did not brush my fabulous locks that day. But my hair does resemble some sort of animal so I guess I can forgive him.

And that, as they say, is that.